New Client Registration Form

Registration Form

Which Class Would you like to book for?


Emergency Contact Information
Brief Health History
. How did you hear about Pilates Dynamics Studio? (If applicable, include your referring doctor/chiropractor/physical therapist/massage therapist/Dietician, Gynecologists’, etc.
* If you are pregnant, or planning on becoming pregnant, please note that it is your responsibility to obtain pre- approval from your doctor or Gynaecologist to participate in classes and any other sessions at Pilates Dynamics Studio.
*By affixing my initial to this form, I declare myself to be responsible for my own health and safety while participating in classes and any other sessions at Pilates Dynamics Studio and thereby release, acquit, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless Pilates Dynamics Studio, its officers, personnel, employees and agents from any and all cause or causes of injury. In addition, Pilates Dynamics shall not be responsible or liable for any articles lost, stolen or damages, in or about the studio.

•This contract is between Pilates Dynamics Studio (the company) and the Client (subscriber) and any communication in respect of bookings or amendments thereto, are to be made only with the Booking Clerk or Office Administrator in writing AT ALL TIMES. No requests via Instructors/Trainers will be entertained. Pilates Dynamics Studio and its representatives, agents and employees hereby indemnifies themselves for any damages, inconvenience or loss that may be suffered in failing to adhere to the aforesaid in this clause.
•Pilates sessions are sold in CALENDAR MONTH subscriptions, payable monthly in advance, and any deviation or waiver from this clause will only be valid and effective if confirmed in writing by a duly authorized representative.
•PRIVATE CLASSES are subject to a 24-hour cancellation notice, should you wish to re-schedule a class. However, re-scheduling is SUBJECT TO TIME & SPACE AVAILABILITY. Only 1 (one) re-schedule request per class can be considered due to space and availability restrictions. Important Note: Group classes are sold in monthly subscriptions and re-schedules do not apply to group class clients/students, due to space limitations. Bookings need to be made monthly in advance for specific classes and times.
•Re-schedule requests for private classes are to be made by the client in writing after which the studio’s delegated administration official will confirm available dates in writing.
•The onus is on the private client (subscriber) to contact the studio within the same month/period for any re-schedules, failing which the class/es will be lost.
•Re-schedule requests in respect of private classes received by the studio after 12h00 on a Saturday for a Monday morning, can unfortunately not be entertained, due to operational restrictions.
•Please note that reasons for not being able to make classes, are irrelevant, and Pilates Dynamics Studio reserve all its rights herein.
•The same times will be booked every month, unless otherwise notified by the client (subscriber) within a minimum period of 7 days before the end of the current month/period, of a change in booking times for the new period/month. Please note that this is subject to space and instructor availability from month to month.
•Subscriptions will continue to run from month to month and any pause in training for any length of time will still be subject to payment.
•Should you join a class at any stage during the month, you will be charged on a pro-rate basis for that portion of the month.
•Payment for new bookings is required on the day that the booking/s are made, in order to secure booking time slots.
•Payment for monthly bookings is required by latest the 30th of the current month for the new month.
•A full calendar months’ written notice is required upon cancellation of a subscription (1st to 31st of any given month). Payment required in terms of the calendar months’ notice period shall be equivalent to a full month’s training and payment shall be due and payable on the 30th of the month proceeding the calendar months’ notice period.
•Classes are NOT refundable NOR transferable to other people NOR transferable to new months.
•Classes are +- 55 minutes long. Duration may vary. Please allow for a few minutes between back-to-back classes for the cleaning of equipment.
•As Pilates Dynamics Studio is an Education Centre, there will occasionally be a Student Trainer teaching classes.
•Pilates Dynamics reserves the right to replace any trainer at any time for whatever reason, subject to the operational requirements of the company (studio).
•Consent is given to Pilates Dynamics to use photographs and videos of myself for commercial use and marketing purposes.

I agree to the Terms and Conditions
*By affixing my initial to this form, I declare myself to be responsible for my own health and safety while participating in classes and any other sessions at Pilates Dynamics Studio and thereby release, acquit, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless Pilates Dynamics Studio, its officers, personnel, employees and agents from any and all cause or causes of injury. In addition, Pilates Dynamics shall not be responsible or liable for any articles lost, stolen or damages, in or about the studio.